Soriano: “I will participate in the elections of Barça”

Ferran Soriano, former FC Barcelona economic vice president recognizes that elections of Barca will be a “very exciting period.” “Barca are live and think with emotion and love and concern and I want to reach the electoral period,” says current president of the airline Spanair, which many voices in the race fall 2010.

Soriano has been interviewed on Monday on the agenda of Televisió de Catalunya, Divendres, which define part of their lines of work as head of Spanair, has refused to define its specific role in the election period. What has made it clear that Soriano is “participate” in these elections.

“When setting the election period and I will explain why I think my opinion,” said Soriano, who claims not explained his position to leave the board in 2008 but it will do this by 2010.

Asked by Sandro Rosell, the former vice president said that “what was done in 2003 was extraordinary and it is important to explain what was done and what things were important. “It is important that these elections there are several ideas and I explain everything I think during these dates”